Blacks Targeted by Masonic Musicians
May 28, 2015

(left, Illuminati Congo tries to make satanism seem good.)
If Jamaican music is any indication,
even the economically deprived are being
initiated into the satanic cult that humanity
has become.
Author, CR, 31, has been into Jamaican dance hall music since he was 16. He's Canadian but he grew up around Jamaicans. His wife is a Jamaican. He has been to Jamaica three times on extended visits.
by CR
As discussed in "All Black Leaders are Freemasons," Freemasonry has a complete hold over the black community. Not just in America, but also in third world countries where it is being promoted as something "good" in one form or another. Henry Makow has received mail from several confused Africans who want to join the illuminati. In some countries most, if not all, politicians are Freemasons. Most successful musicians are Freemasons, or members of another affiliated fraternal society. Only a fool would doubt that they are up to no good. One of their Cabalist-based beliefs is "dualism," the idea that God is both good and evil at the same time.
Particularly in the Caribbean, blacks are being targeted for initiation into this devil worship that is the basis of the new global religion. Here are a two examples of Satanism being openly promoted by popular musicians.

Illuminati Congo
There is a relatively new American rap
group called "Illuminati Congo" that consists of a rapper, a
black Rastafarian who calls himself "Jahn the Baptist", and a
producer, a white man by the name of "Nic the Graduate". Jahn
seems to be the main figure. On their website,
his biography states:
"Jahn The Baptist is unlike any other rapper out there. He is able to utilize his mantra of "as above, so below" to formulate a refreshing unity of the higher self and lower self. His lyrics reflect both his practice of spirituality and his embrace of earthly, human desires. His words are meant to appeal both to Yogis as well as the inner city Hood- with an authoritative demeanor that lets you know he is equally of both. Having studied and taught Kundalini Yoga and Rebirthing Breathwork as well as being an avid herbalist in the Rastafarian community, Jahns true goal is to heal. Heal the world of its ills through awareness of self and the practice of unconditional love. Hip hop is an art form that has the ability to communicate complex ideas to a potentially large audience, let it not go to waste!"
Evidently he is initiated in the occult. Some recent quotes from his Facebook page:
"There is much fear-based ideas about the ILLUMINATI. This fear stems from our inner resistance to seeing what is HIDDEN or Occult within our own Body and Unconscious mind.
"ILLUMINATI and secret societies can be traced historically as descending from SHAMANISM and the indigenous RITES/traditions used to share healing, wisdom, and open up people to Infinite Intelligence. Any entities attempting to make you fear, or worry about the Illuminati or an external "powers that be", may be the true conspirator.(left, Nic the graduate)
"Masonry and Witchery are referred to as the CRAFT.
This is a code for their hidden relationship with SpaceCrafts and higher intelligences. "
He also has several quotes from Robert
Anton Wilson, who admits to being a follower and admirer or
Aleister Crowley, AKA "666 the Beast".
According to Jahn, occult beliefs are the truth, Baphomet is good, and there is no devil. In his video titled "Does the Devil exist?", he explains that the concept of an evil force competing with God is nonsense and that good and evil are both aspects of God. In his music as well as on his Facebook page he makes numerous references to Hindu and Ancient Egyptian deities. Jahn also gives proof that the last Ethiopian king, Haile Selassie I, also known as Ras Tafari, was in fact a Freemason. He is believed by many Rastafarians to be either the second coming of Jesus and/or God himself. So if he's a mason then it can't be bad, right?
So let's assume for a moment that freemasonry is actually something positive and us "God-fearing fools" have wrongly been "hating on the devil". What are some other popular masonic artists up to?

Tommy Lee Sparta
Sparta has been referred to as the "anti-Christ of dancehall" and compared to Marilyn Manson. He calls himself "Uncle Demon", similar to Kartel's nickname "Daddy Devil". His music is openly satanic. His biography on his website states:
"Popular deejay Vybz Kartel noticed his talent during a performance in Montego Bay. Impressed by the budding star, it didn't take long for him to initiate Tommy Lee a few months later...
... The Olympic fever persuaded Tommy Lee Sparta to rerecord both of his chart toppers in honor of Jamaica's Olympic team and track superstar, Usain Bolt. The remixes sparked immense attention and became unofficial sound tracks for Team Jamaica supporters."
(Usain Bolt)
Take a look at this video, which gives a thorough explanation of what Tommy Lee Sparta is about. At 13:03 you can see that he also wears a chain with a large pendant in the form of the masonic compass and square. In the video for his song "Watch Dem", there are images of the eye of Horus, Egyptian falcon hieroglyphs, upside-down crosses, and the Ankh.
Unlike some other artists who appear to be affiliated with Freemasonry or the Illuminati, Tommy Lee Sparta does not make any claims of being something other than pure evil. He has a song titled "Am I Illuminati?" where he repeatedly asks "why is everybody calling me Illuminati?" He doesn't seem to have an answer. It appears that he is trying to distance himself from the Illuminati, or perhaps they want to distance themselves from him. But why? Isn't the Illuminati something good, like our friend Jahn has informed us? Or is the Illuminati not evil enough for him?
culture, and music in particular is relevant to the entire
English-speaking Caribbean as well as North
America and England. Violence and promiscuous sex have long been
part of the scenery, but artists like Vybz Kartel and Tommy Lee
Sparta are taking things to a new level. And if that wasn't
enough, now Freemasonry and Satanism are part of the equation. If
you are not into brutal murder and fornication, then you have artists
like Illuminati Congo who promote the positive, spiritual side of
Satan. It is clear that the plan is for the public to be
desensitized and gradually accept greater forms of evil.
First Comment from Dan:
Rap and Hip Hop is of the NWO. These videos by Jamaicans can't really be called 'Jamaican music'. The most striking thing about Rap and Hip Hop is whether you go to Mongolia or Iraq or Kathmandu, a certain youth demographic are wrapped up in same 'total package' familiar to Americans since the 1980s from Brooklyn to East LA as 'home grown' rap and hip hop. They claim it as theirs on the East Coast and the West Coast - but they also claim it in Mongolia as "their music" dating back to the Genghis Khan.
They actually believe it's 'home grown', THEIR culture. Because that's how it's marketed. Mongolian hip hop videos have identical themes as anywhere else. This stuff has been cranked out for over thirty years now.
Old dogs like us of course know it's not. Now I used to be believe too, when rap was new, back in the early 1980's that it was organic, growing like rye grass through the cracks in a concrete sidewalk in Queens, like 'RUN-D.MC.' But since I've seen rap and hip hop show up all over the world, including regions we used to think of as quite remote and 'exotic', I've suspected for some time that rap and hip hop didn't spring from the American ghetto either. We don't really know who originated and developed these themes and this music.
We do know the industry that produced and distributed it from the 80's through today. The same shareholders that give us all the Hollywood movies - who are the same that give us our 'news'.
This is how they've been stripping the diverse cultures of the Earth of their genuine identity, traditions and wisdom, in exchange for the glamor of Satanism.
The Blood Sacrifice Lifestyle: French Montana and CHINX
ITN said (May 30, 2015):
I felt compelled to, not to concur nor dispute the author, just to add on...
Jahn The Baptist is also a member of the hip hop trio, Masta Buildas. 1 member of that trio, Atma ("means soul in sankrit") is connected to hip hop group, Lost Children Of Babylon. The leader of LCOB, Razal Allah has claimed to be a member of The Order Of Golden Dawn.
Both Jahn & Atma worked with artist, Beast 1333 of Templars of Hip Hop. Atma has also collaborated with hip hop artist, Son Of Saturn ("Saturn's bastard son"). SoS co-founded Revolt Motion Recordings with fellow Akashik Ancestors member Amun Morb. On the label's site, some of its artists' albums are available free of charge. Much of the music of that label & related artists contain intricate lyrics & content not found on the commercial mainstream.
- ITN (I Trust None)